Thursday, January 20, 2011

Infinite wisdom of Kathy Lee and Hoda

Yeah I put Hoda and Kathy Lee in the same sentence as wisdom. I'm going to block this out of my memory permanently.

But I was watching their hour of tv one day (by mistake) and they were talking about all of their weight loss tips, which are usually useless. But like many women I am always on the hunt for ideas to get rid of that 5 to 7 to 10 pounds that just won't go away. They suggested buying yourself a reward for reaching a weight goal, which seems good to me. And this is how the conversation about this subject went with my husband:

Me: So I think I need something to help me lose weight.
Husband: I don't think a colonic is the answer.
Me: Ha Ha. Very funny.
Husband: Well honey don't you think laying on the beach for a week (we're planning a honeymoon) is enough? If that doesn't make you want to lose weight, then I don't know what will.

...Shit. That didn't cross my mind. I was thinking a new pair of skinny jeans.

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